Generali reels in new chief transformation officer
Generali reels in new chief transformation officer
She was previously the CEO for the Mediterranean, Middle East, and Africa at Coface.
Income Insurance in talks with Allianz over shares
The transaction is not, in any way, final.
Australian insurers remain resilient despite lower premium hikes: S&P
79% of rated Australian insurers have stable rating outlooks.
Prudential taps new Chief of Corporate Affairs
She has more than three decades of experience.
Manulife, WEF seek start-ups for health and wealth solutions
The ageing population is expected to double by 2050, imposing significant challenges.
Tong Yang Life is seen to bag steady profit growth
Thanks to solid investment income and increased sales of high-margin protection products.
FWD’s new wealth plan targets rising living costs for HK retirees
It guarantees an 8-year maturity return of up to 4.0% per annum.
FWD Philippines targets gamer insurance gaps
The country’s gaming community increased by 14.3% from 2020 to 2023.
Korean construction insurer maintains strong capital
KFINCO's profitability is considered modest, with a return on equity of 2.0% in 2023.
Accuro pulled out from AM Best’s roster
UniMed, the receiver of the portfolio, is now the third-largest health insurer.
Rising healthcare fees hinder financial stability amongst HK residents
The survey revealed 19% of people would pay for cheaper plans and fewer benefits.
PwC outlines 10 imperatives for Japanese insurers
BOJ's rate shift could challenge Japanese insurers.
Noto Earthquake claims reach $578.2m in May
Of the total claims collected, 68.7% were paid.
Indian life insurance market expands 12% YoY in May
The overall medium-term outlook remains positive.
AllianzGI gets new CIO for fixed income
Michael Krautzberger will succeed Franck Dixmier.
Gig worker platform offers paid leaves, underwritten by Etiqa
80% of the surveyed wanted traditional benefits.
Japan's life insurers see profit rise amidst lower claims
The industry is projected to deliver better core profits in FY2024.