, Philippines
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State health insurer urged to boost benefit packages immediately

Lee urged PhilHealth to use funds to expand coverage for other treatments.

A Filipino representative called on the state health insurer, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), to immediately convene and implement increases in essential benefit packages, according to the Philippine News Agency.

Agri Party-list Rep. Wilbert Lee's statement followed the Department of Health's (DOH) announcement of an increase in the hemodialysis package rate from $72 (P4,000) to $114.30 (P6,350) per session.

Meanwhile Lee expressed gratitude for the adjustment, he questioned why the increases were being done incrementally. He emphasized that with the substantial funds available to PhilHealth, other case rates should also be increased without delay.

According to PhilHealth's financial report as of March 2024, the agency has $11.02b (P612b) in funds, of which $8.41b (P467b) are reserve funds and $6.73b (P374b) are investible funds.

Lee urged PhilHealth to use these funds to expand coverage for treatments related to cancer, coronary artery disease, MRI, PET and CT scans, maternity care, dental and eye care, emergency care, and comprehensive outpatient services.

Earlier, Lee filed House Resolution 2015, urging DOH Secretary Teodoro Herbosa to convene BenCom. He also called for transparency in the process, suggesting that BenCom discussions be livestreamed to keep the public informed about their PhilHealth benefits.

Lee stressed that healthcare funds should be used solely for healthcare, arguing that government support in covering treatment costs would help prevent people from falling into deeper debt due to medical expenses.

($1.00 = P55.70)

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