, Singapore
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Surge in demand for cyber, marine, cargo, and property insurance in SG and Malaysia

Success in both markets relies heavily on how they’ll navigate uncertainties.

Singapore and Malaysia’s markets show a shift towards Cyber, Marine, Cargo, and Property insurance in 2024, reflecting insurers' adaptability to client needs. Success in these markets relies on insurers' ability to navigate uncertainties, innovate, and manage emerging risks effectively, a Howden study said.

Looking ahead, the insurance industry in Singapore and Malaysia is poised for growth, emphasising strategic agility and innovation.

In Singapore, there's a growing demand for comprehensive non-life insurance coverages, driven by businesses' efforts to mitigate operational risks amidst global volatility. Insurers are responding with innovative products leveraging advanced analytics and technology. 

“Moreover, Singapore's strategic position as an insurance/reinsurance hub in Asia amplifies its potential as a launchpad for regional expansion,” the report noted.

However, rising medical inflation poses a challenge, leading insurers to diversify benefit packages with a focus on health and wellness programs.

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“While the Singapore insurance market offers substantial growth opportunities in 2024, success will depend on insurers' ability to navigate macroeconomic uncertainties and respond dynamically to the evolving needs of clients,” said the report.

In Malaysia, the non-life insurance market is experiencing growth, fueled by sectors like technology and renewable energy, supported by government policies favouring digitalization and sustainability.

“Clients in these sectors are increasingly aware of the critical need for insurance products - including property, casualty and speciality insurance to safeguard against operational risks and enhance business resilience. This demand presents insurers with the opportunity to deepen market penetration and innovate in product offerings, leveraging digital technologies for personalised and efficient service delivery,” the Howdenr report stated.

Howden Markets Asia conducted an extensive study across over 50 insurers in Singapore and Malaysia, shedding light on key insights into the market trends for 2024.


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