Celebrate your award-winning insurance initiatives at the Insurance Asia Awards 2024

Be recognised as one of the top insurers in the region by sending your entries until 19 April 2024!

In the dynamic Asian market, insurers face the challenges of swift transformation due to rapidly evolving consumer preferences, emerging technologies, and a changing regulatory landscape. Within these challenges, there exists the potential to harness technological shifts to enhance risk assessment precision, operational efficiency, and a sharper focus on customer-centric approaches. Insurers who have demonstrated resilience, innovation, and adaptability are now emerging as industry leaders.

The Insurance Asia Awards proudly returns for its ninth year, highlighting the importance of companies that not only exemplify these qualities but thrive amidst challenges. 

PT AIA Financial was amongst the winners in the 2023 awards programme.

“Thank you, Insurance Asia Awards, for hosting the prestigious event which celebrates excellence and innovation in the insurance industry for Asia Pacific and for acknowledging AIA Indonesia's initiatives by granting us four awards this year [...] Our journey does not stop here. It is a continuous journey to transform lives positively and inspire others to do the same,” said Sainthan Satyamoorthy, AIA Indonesia's President Director.

Firms are encouraged to submit their entries to the awards programme, which puts a spotlight on insurance companies that have made a significant impact on their customers with exceptional products, services, and solutions.

Do not miss the chance to be celebrated as one of the leading insurers in the Asia Pacific region. Here are key dates to remember for the Insurance Asia Awards 2024:

Submission Opens: 2 January 2024
Submission Closes: 19 April 2024

A panel of chosen industry experts will evaluate nominations. Winners will then be recognised at a physical Awards Dinner in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, on 4 July 2024.

The Insurance Asia Awards 2024 is presented by Insurance Asia Magazine. To view the full list of past winners, click here. For more information, contact Julie Anne Nuñez at (+65) 3158 1386 or [email protected].

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