Insurance Asia Forum 2024 arrives in Bangkok in April

Unlock the future of insurance with transformative shifts driven by technology and data analytics in today's dynamic landscape.

With a growing emphasis on digitalisation and customer-centric solutions, insurance companies are navigating a dynamic environment to enhance operational efficiency and deliver more personalised, responsive services to policyholders.

The Insurance Asia Forum 2024, with its stop in Bangkok on 17 April 2024, invites insurance professionals from across the continent to embark on a transformative journey into the heart of innovation and resilience within the sector.

This meticulously designed forum will explore the ever-evolving landscapes of risk management, regulatory frameworks, technological advancements, and customer engagement strategies.

It will kick off with a historic inaugural event in Ho Chi Minh on March 12 before coming to Bangkok, followed by gatherings in Jakarta on May 14, Kuala Lumpur on June 25, and concluding in Manila on October 1.

The 2024 Insurance Asia Forum promises to be an indispensable experience for insurance professionals, offering opportunities to: engage with peers, thought leaders, and innovators to expand your professional circle; gain direct insights from industry frontrunners and dissect groundbreaking case studies; explore the latest in insurtech, cyber insurance, and customer service excellence; and propel your career and your company forward with the knowledge and connections gained, amongst others.

Join us at the Insurance Asia Forum 2024 and embrace a world where tradition meets innovation, empowering you to redefine the boundaries of what's possible in the insurance sector. Secure your spot now and become an active participant in shaping the future of insurance. To register, visit this link.

For more details, please visit the official event page or contact the Insurance Asia Events Team at +65 31581386 or [email protected].

Analisa data, kunci kesuksesan AIA Indonesia dalam mengatasi penipuan

Prosedur operasional standar dan penyidik yang terlatih menjaga AIA Indonesia tetap terkendali.

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