, Hong Kong

7 out of 10 HK’ers prefer to have private health insurance for improved wellbeing: Survey

High stress and burnout were expressed by Hong Kongers which resulted in the decline in vitality levels.

An estimated 72% of respondents from Hong Kong felt that inflation made it too expensive to stay healthy, and 66% desired more support from employers for a healthier life. Amongst their top choices for preferences in health and wellbeing programs was private health insurance (73%), according to a Cigna Healthcare survey.

This was followed by having flexible time off or work arrangements (58%), and mental health support (28%).

Cigna Healthcare's latest research indicates a significant decline in vitality levels in Hong Kong during the first half of 2023 due to persistently high stress and burnout. 

The Vitality Study, based on the Evernorth Vitality Index, surveyed 1,008 individuals in Hong Kong between May and June 2023, revealing that only 5% reported high vitality, compared to the global average of 17%.

Hong Kong's average vitality score fell from 63.5 to 60.4 since January, notably lower than the global average of 68.0. 

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Mental health emerged as a key factor, with 87% experiencing stress, higher than the global (80%) and APAC (84%) averages. The burnout rate in Hong Kong remained the highest in APAC, with 96% reporting at least one burnout symptom over the past year.

Uncertainty about the future (43%) was the top stressor for Hongkongers, followed by financial issues (36%) and the current cost of living (34%).

Jonathan Spiers, CEO of Cigna Healthcare Hong Kong, highlighted the persistent mental health issues and stressed the need for comprehensive, accessible resources.

Employers were encouraged to support employees through initiatives such as workplace seminars on stress management and the importance of sleep, diet, and exercise.

The Vitality Study surveyed 10,800 respondents globally, covering various dimensions of well-being based on the Evernorth Vitality Index. The study emphasises the importance of a holistic approach to employee support, addressing health needs comprehensively.


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