Photo by Loren Elliott from Reuters

Aon appoints new head of construction and infrastructure for Asia

He has been in the insurance and construction industry for 23 years.

Vincent Banton has been appointed as the head of Construction and Infrastructure for Asia at Aon, a prominent global professional services firm. 

His role in this position commenced on 1 August, and he will report to Paul Young, the head of Commercial Risk Solutions, Asia, and James MacNeal, the global industry specialty leader for Construction and Infrastructure (C&I). 

Additionally, Banton will join the global C&I leadership team.

Based in Singapore, Banton will collaborate closely with local, regional, and global teams to formulate strategies and deliver comprehensive services to clients in the region. His focus will be on ensuring a smooth transition from project development to commercial operations.

ALSO READ: Aon announces new head of Greater China

With 23 years of experience spanning the insurance and construction sectors, Banton has held positions at notable organizations such as Munich Reinsurance, Balfour Birse UK, Leighton Contractors Australia (CIMIC), and Broad Construction Australia. 

Prior to joining Aon, he spent five years at Zurich Insurance, where his most recent role was as national technical manager for Australia and New Zealand.

Banton is a seasoned leader with expertise in Construction and Erection All Risk policies, as well as Delay in Start-Up for business interruption. 

His extensive experience also covers the construction of major infrastructure programs, including projects involving highways, railways, airports, bridges, deep foundations, and large reinforced structures.


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