, Hong Kong
Photo by Arseny Togulev via Unsplash.

AIA Hong Kong launches CarePass for high-end customers

They can access one-stop integrated oncology treatments, amongst others.

AIA Hong Kong has launched the AIA CarePass, offering a comprehensive list of medical support services across the Greater Bay Area for eligible high-end customers.

AIA CarePass features a “One-Stop Oncology Service”, “Health Arrangement Service”, and six other services that enable users to obtain high-quality medical services in the city and the medical opinions of international experts, the insurer said in a press release.

The new "One-Stop Oncology Service" sees AIA CarePass join forces with Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Integrated Oncology Centre. Through this, AIA offers its customers  with one-stop integrated oncology treatments and services in Hong Kong.

A dedicated service ambassador from the service partner will be assigned to the eligible visitor (patient) for customised one-on-one support should they need to stay in Hong Kong for oncology treatments.

Meanwhile, AIA’s "Health Arrangement Service" is a cross-border medical concierge service designed to provide eligible high-end customers with the administrative support they need when travelling to Hong Kong for medical treatments. The service will recommend suitable hospitals to the customer based on their health conditions and specific medical needs.

Once a customer has decided on a treatment plan, logistical services such as transportation, accommodation, admission, discharge and even medical repatriation (if necessary) will be fully arranged for the customer as well as their companions, the insurer said.

Other services include:

  • "Medical Green Passage": A 24-hour reservation hotline that provides priority appointment booking services at designated healthcare facilities for outpatient and inpatient services in Mainland China to shorten wait times and expedite access to medical care.
  • "Personal Medical Case Management Services with Rehabilitation Management": Over 4,500 leading specialists across the globe will reportedly provide customers with independent, third-party professional medical opinions and continuous follow-up. This service also supports customers with personalised rehabilitation plans in addition to a dedicated medical support hotline.
  • "Specialist Network": This professional network encompasses experts from across medical disciplines to provide highly effective, quality services.
  • "Cashless Hospitalisation": Under this cashless hospitalisation arrangement for designated hospitals in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China, AIA Hong Kong will pay medical expenses directly to the hospital upon approval so customers can focus on recovery and not find themselves drawn into the payment process.

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