, Hong Kong

Hong Kong Life adopts iAM Smart for secure online services

Customers can use their fingerprints to access their insurance online services.

Hong Kong Life is the first insurer to adopt the “iAM Smart” mobile app to provide customers easy access to their online insurance services without compromising valuable information.

"iAM Smart" is a mobile app that provides a one-stop personalised digital services platform, which enables users to log in and use online services by their mobile phone in a smart and convenient way.

With the adoption of "iAM Smart" as an option to log in to Hong Kong Life's customer account, customers can use their personal mobile phones' biometric authentication and a single digital identity to log in to their accounts. For customers who log in to their accounts through "iAM Smart", their identities as verified by "iAM Smart" enable Hong Kong Life to grant access to customers on sensitive information related to their policies and to ensure all instructions are truly given by customers.

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The adoption of the mobile app by Hong Kong Life enables customers a secure and convenient way to log in to the "Client Corner" of Hong Kong Life and access a wide range of services without the need to input a user name and password.

“We are delighted to be the first Hong Kong insurer to adopt 'iAM Smart' for both identity authentication and account login. We will continue to explore expanding the usage of 'iAM Smart' to assist in the customer onboarding process and other innovative technologies that could further enhance the digital insurance service and deliver a more attentive customer experience,”  Margaret Tsang, Chief Operating Officer of Hong Kong Life said.

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