, Hong Kong

OneDegree expands home cover to include LGBTQ+ families

The cover was soft-launched in March, and relaunched to extend coverage.

Hong Kong’s virtual insurer OneDegree has launched a home insurance product for families including LGBTQ+ families in Hong Kong.

Called Home Insurance, it was first soft-launched in March however OneDegree learnt that there is an unmet need for insurance protection for LGBTQ+ families, therefore the product was re-launched to extend its coverage to cover also same-sex married couples and same-sex/opposite-sex cohabiting partners.

By extending the policy definition of 'family’, Home Insurance is now available to both traditional and LGBTQ+ families who can show proof of cohabitation for at least 12 months.

Home Insurance features equal benefits for same-sex and opposite marriage and/or domestic partnership regardless of gender.

OneDegree Home Insurance covers residential properties of all types, including village houses and detached houses. With an average monthly premium of $127.53 (HK$1001),  policyholders can qualify for up to $1.91m (HK$15m) for third-party liability compensation with no premium surcharge to cover outdoor areas including gardens and rooftops. 

Additionally, if customers sign up for the Home Insurance All-Round Plan, they do not have to pay extra premiums to have their home appliances repaired. OneDegree covers the cost of repairs when an appliance, including TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, clothes dryers and washer dryer combo, develops a fault.

OneDegree’s home insurance also comes with:

  • Pets Owner Third-party Liabilities Protection: The third-party liability clause of OneDegree Home Insurance covers not only homeowners and residents but also their pets. OneDegree helps customers cover accidental damage caused by their pets to a third-party property or person.
  • Pandemic protection for class suspension and working from home: OneDegree Home Insurance covers specific losses due to class suspension and hospitalization expenses due to an accident at home.
  • Loss and damage to home possessions during renovation: Homes under renovations are more susceptible to accidents. OneDegree Home Insurance covers unexpected losses and damages to home possessions caused by a contractor during renovation at home.

“We believe insurance is not just protection but also a commitment to family. We recognize that families come in different forms, but ultimately everyone has an inherent desire to protect their loved ones. With our new Home Insurance, we want to serve all families out there, embrace diversity and enhance the ‘sense of home’ for every family in Hong Kong,” OneDegree co-founder Alvin Kwock said.


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