
MSIG Asia reveals new look for Singapore office

The new office was designed with sustainability in mind.

LIA Singapore launches extended panel initiative for IP policyholders

This allows policyholders access to over 1,000 private specialists.

Longer life is a potential financial nightmare for Singaporeans

This is the case for more than half of uninsured retirees.

Singlife with Aviva launches first insurer-led open architecture programme

The programme aims to help startups and SMEs to digitalise and scale their business.

Fintech YouTrip launches online travel insurance in platform

The company’s business reportedly grew four times in Q2 compared to 2021.

AIA Singapore goes on hiring spree for financial associate consultants

The firm opened 500 positions along with the launch of its Financial Associate Scheme.

NTUC Income to cover 54,000 students in expanded insurance cover scheme

The free insurance cover is available to eligible students from low-income families.

China Taiping Insurance announces new Singapore chief

He was formerly part of the Singapore business back in 2006.

Everest Insurance gets regulator nod for Singapore entity

This marks the global insurer's official entrance to the Asian market.

WTW appoints new Thailand country head

The current head will now be in charge of Vietnam.

Going hybrid is key for traditional insurers to rival insurTechs

Insurers stuck in traditional ways may find it hard to outclass these new disrupters.

AIA Singapore introduces first Shariah-compliant  ILP fund

Investment firm Franklin Templeton is a partner for this product.