Brunei Islamic takes chair of China-ASEAN IBA
Becomes second chair of the association.
The Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam took over the chairmanship of the China-ASEAN Inter-Bank Association (IBA) from China Development Bank. During a recent council meeting, member banks discussed how best to respond to global political and economic challenges. Bank representatives also conducted the "China-ASEAN Connectivity Building, Financial Regulation, and Banking Risk Control and Prevention Seminars." The China-ASEAN IBA chairmanship is rotated among ASEAN countries by alphabetical order. The China-ASEAN IBA comprises the BIBD, CBA, Cambodia's Canadia Bank; Indonesia's Bank Mandiri; the Lao Development Bank; Malaysia's Commerce International Merchant Bank; the Myanmar Foreign Trade Bank; the Philippines' BDO Unibank; Singapore's DBS Bank; Thailand's Kasikornbank and the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam.