Australia outlines financial advice and insurance cost recover
Australia outlines financial advice and insurance cost recover
Investigated unlicensed activity costs are fairly recovered from relevant sub-sectors.
Toa Reinsurance grows net income by sixfold in FY 2023
Its net written premiums, on the other hand, dwindled 12.5%.
+8 Partners welcomes new advisor for financial strategy
He brings over 20 years of int’l and corporate finance experience.
China Pacific Insurance subsidiary, AMINA integrate finance with crypto
It aims to integrate investment advisory and banking services.
Gallagher, Tohoku University boost tsunami risk research
The 2011 Tohoku quake and tsunami caused $100b in economic damage.
Aon Indonesia unveils new president director of reinsurance business
She has over 12 years in reinsurance strategy optimisation.
Expert debunks misconceptions impacting cyber insurance investment
A Forrester report found that only a quarter of firms possess standalone policies.
Business email compromise is often overlooked cyber threat: Guy Carpenter
The past five years saw 550 email compromises, affecting clients.
Malaysia launches new framework for digital insurers
The policy eases entry for Takaful Operators.
Allianz Lanka’s new CEO shares 5 strategies for insurers to drive growth
The market is expected to climb at a CAGR of 8% which insurers need to take advantage of.
Data-driven insights key to insurers' decision-making
5%-10% of tech leaders in small groups benefit from data and tech investments.
Insurance sector shows resilience against liquidity risks
Thanks to regulators focusing their shift on liquidity risk management.
IRAS, MAS revise tax treatment of insurance reserves
Previously, reserves were non-deductible as estimates of contingent liabilities.
Lloyd's forms coalition to boost diversity in insurance
It includes eight market firms.
China Life's capital model benefits from diversification
Thanks to its solid position and earnings, it will remain stable in the next 2 years.
S. Korea’s FSC outlines new finance policies for sustainable growth
The gov’t agency aims to announce comprehensive changes by year-end.
Schroders Capital introduces tokenised ILS
Each token represents a share in a portfolio of reinsurance contracts.