/piasupuntongpool from Envato

Insurers to tackle rising chronic disease rates by 2030

Mental health is now seen as a priority across generations.

In six years, one in six people will be aged 60 or older, contributing to a rising prevalence of chronic diseases, which are already responsible for 41 million deaths annually.

Allianz Partners calls for “health insurers, health organisations and governments to build trust around how personal health data will be used, and explain what the benefits will be, before they, along with consumers, will be able to reap the full benefits of a health ecosystem and more efficiently linked health data.”

Despite their impact, the study found a lack of awareness about these non-communicable diseases and how they can be prevented. 

This underscores the need to educate people about taking control of their health to improve quality of life and reduce healthcare system burdens, Allianz Partners’ Generational Health Insights stated.

Mental health is now seen as a priority across generations, especially for younger people. Nearly half (47%) of Gen Z, aged 12 to 26, reported frequent feelings of anxiety, and over 22% said they often feel depressed. 

The study emphasised that mental health support must be tailored to different age groups, as a uniform approach will not work.

The report also noted a sharp rise in the use of digital mental health tools, with a 6,500% increase in prescribed mental healthcare apps in 2024. Whilst the use of artificial intelligence and digital health services continues to expand, the report suggests that human healthcare professionals will still play a crucial role in personal interactions and diagnoses.

Mariana Ishchuk, Global head of Product Management & Innovation at Allianz Partners’ health division, stressed the importance of building trust around how personal health data is used, noting that transparency will be key to developing a more efficient health ecosystem. 

With the increasing use of digital health services, she emphasised the need for responsible management of health data.

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