, Singapore
/Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels

MSIG beefs up overseas students' coverage

It plans to extend the protection to the insured student’s spouse and up to five children under the policy.

MSIG announced enhancements to its Global Study Insurance coverage, offering increased medical coverage for overseas hospitalisation and COVID-19 treatment, trauma counselling, and leisure travel protection. 

One of the enhancements is for its medical coverage which will provide coverage of up to $50,000 for overseas hospitalisation fees and up to $50,000 for COVID-19 treatment in hospitals.

The trauma counselling offers up to $2,000 cash for psychological support related to injuries from traumatic events.

The leisure travel cancellation or disruption selection covers up to $300 for cancellation or non-refundable travel expenses if the policyholder is hospitalized.

On the other hand, the entertainment ticket cancellation provides up to $300 for the cancellation of unused tickets due to hospitalization.

ALSO READ: MSIG Asia’s CEO shares approach to risk management evolution

For those with loss of personal belongings at overseas residences, coverage can go up to $5,000 for the loss of or damage to personal belongings due to theft, fire, or natural disasters.

The sponsor protection includes up to $30,000 of coverage for unpaid tuition fees if the sponsor passes away or suffers permanent total disability due to an accident.

Lastly, the child guard provides up to $10,000 coverage for travel expenses required for a relative to accompany the insured child back to Singapore.

Furthermore, MSIG's plan offers a family-friendly option, allowing the extension of protection to the insured student's accompanying spouse and up to five children under the policy. 

MSIG said in a press release it is one of the few insurers in the market to offer leisure travel protection and child guard cover, and it provides one of the highest sums available for medical protection under the main cover. 

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