/Joshua Miranda from Pexels

Disinformation and misinformation are top risks in 2024 – WEF

Two-thirds of experts anticipate a multipolar or fragmented order in the next 10 years.

The global consensus indicated that disinformation and misinformation will be 2024’s top risk, prompted by artificial intelligence-generated information. The World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2024 warns of a global landscape where progress in human development is eroding.

Extreme weather events came in as the second-most concerned risk. This was followed by societal polarisation, cyber insecurity, interstate armed conflict, lack of economic opportunity, inflation, involuntary migration, economic downturn, and pollution.

The report, produced with Zurich Insurance Group and Marsh McLennan, presents a predominantly sour outlook for the short and long term, with concerns over disinformation, conflict, economic uncertainty, and environmental risks dominating. 

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The report calls for new approaches to address risks, emphasising the need for global cooperation and actions at individual, state, and international levels to navigate the evolving risk landscape.

Cooperation on urgent global issues may become scarce, with two-thirds of experts anticipating a multipolar or fragmented order in the next 10 years. The survey, involving over 1,400 global experts and leaders, indicates a predominantly negative outlook for the world, with concerns about global catastrophes increasing over the next two to ten years.

Persistent economic uncertainty, technological divides, and barriers to economic mobility are expected in the coming years. Environmental risks remain a top concern, with extreme weather events, Earth system changes, biodiversity loss, and pollution ranking high.


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