, Hong Kong
Photo courtesy of Manulife Hong Kong

Manulife Hong Kong scales up China hospital network

It has expanded into more than 3,000 hospitals across mainland China.

Manulife Hong Kong has expanded its Designated China Hospital Network, now including over 3,000 hospitals across mainland China. 

Manulife is the first in Hong Kong to offer customers access to all Grade III public hospitals in China. 

This expansion addresses the increased demand for health and protection services since the reopening of borders between Hong Kong and Mainland China.

The expansion included Grade IIIB and IIIC public hospitals, in addition to the existing coverage of Grade IIIA hospitals. 

These hospitals are located in nearly 300 cities across Mainland China and are highly regarded for their top-tier medical care, experienced staff, specialised services, and advanced equipment.

Furthermore, the expanded network also includes selected Grade I and Grade II public hospitals, as well as private hospitals, providing customers with comprehensive medical services and convenience. 

ALSO READ: Manulife Asia names Phil Witherington as new CEO

The range of services offered includes treatment for acute injuries, vaccination arrangements, preventive care, chronic disease management, specialist care, rehabilitation, traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and medical check-ups.

Additionally, Manulife said it is currently in the works of stretching its pre-approval cashless service partner network, which will be in 3,100 hospitals across cities on the mainland.

“We are proud to be the first life insurer in the market to cover all Grade III public hospitals in our expanded network. Our network leads the market with the most extensive coverage of hospitals in the industry.” said Carrie Tong, Chief Operations Officer of Manulife Hong Kong and Macau.


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