, Hong Kong
AXA’s “MediEnhancer” ambassador and popular R&B singer-songwriter Gareth T. (Photo credits AXA)

AXA launches medical insurance supplement 

The aim is to help customers cope with medical inflation.

AXA Hong Kong and Macau have launched MediEnhancer Supplement, offered exclusively for customers with qualified AXA medical insurance policies.

With its up to 4% p.a. guaranteed crediting interest rate, it carries a cash value which will be used to offset the annual premium of the qualified AXA medical insurance policy associated with MediEnhancer, relieving the pressure of medical inflation for customers.

MediEnhancer offers two notional amount options. Customers may choose a notional amount based on three or five times the annual premium of the associated medical plan according to their financial planning needs. The cash value of MediEnhancer at its effective date will be equal to the notional amount of MediEnhancer. 

ALSO READ: AXA Hong Kong sets foot in the metaverse

After MediEnhancer becomes effective and more interest is accrued, the cash value of MediEnhancer will be used to pay for the annual premium of the associated medical plan on its next policy anniversary, saving customers the hassle of paying premiums of their plans. 

For customers prepaying a premium for the 2nd supplement year, their prepaid amount will be further entitled to guaranteed preferential interest at a rate of 4% p.a. for USD policies or 3.5% p.a. for HKD policies during the 1st supplement year.

During the promotion period, customers who successfully apply MediEnhancer together with AXA WiseGuard Pro Medical Insurance Plan can enjoy up to six months’ premium refund. Existing customers with designated AXA medical insurance plans who successfully apply for “MediEnhancer”, will be entitled to a 2-month premium rebate for their existing policies.

“We have designed ‘MediEnhancer’ to help customers cope with medical inflation by providing up to 4% p.a. guaranteed returns, and offering hospital income benefit for a maximum of 1,000 days6 per confinement, aiming to reduce the inpatient medical expenses of our customers, and strive to be a solid backing for customers,” Kevin Chor, Chief Life and Health Insurance Officer at AXA Hong Kong and Macau said.

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