, Hong Kong

Chubb launches new occupational hazard insurance in Hong Kong

The insurer is also launching a new employee insurance benefit product for SMEs.

Chubb has launched its new occupational hazard insurance in Hong Kong.

Called My Accident Guard, the product covers individuals in occupations of manual work or hazardous nature and those participating in non-racing sports activities.

The coverages include death and disability benefits of up to $320k (HK$2.5m), medical expenses for infectious diseases and/or bodily injury for up to $3.19k (HK$25k) with no sub-limit for surgery, chiropractor, physiotherapist or x-ray, Hospital cash for infectious diseases and/or bodily injury for up to $63.73 (HK$500) per day, and payout of $3.82k (HK$30k) for fracture bones including hairline fractures.

My Accident Guard has a 24-hour worldwide coverage. Applicants can easily enroll for the plan by indicating whether their previous accident insurance applications had been refused or insured on special terms, without the need for prior medical check-up or declaration of salary.

Chubb also released its Enterprise Employees Accident & Illness Benefits Plan for SMEs, an all-in-one policy combining personal accident, accidental medical expenses, critical illness and compassionate death coverages. 

This product includes ombining personal accident and critical illness in one policy, unisex premium, provision of employee coverages on unnamed basis, no medical check-up required / 

“We are thrilled to launch these two new plans with market-leading benefits that satisfy the needs of individuals and SMEs. They will be pleased with the very simple application procedure which reduces time spent on administrative work for employers,” Scott Simpson, President of Chubb's general insurance business in Hong Kong and Macau said


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