, Hong Kong

QBE boosts home insurance with Kangaroo smart home security tech

This will allow homeowners to detect and prevent damage from water and humidity.

QBE Hong Kong will boost its home insurance packages with smart home security technology that helps homeowners detect and prevent damage from water and humidity.

The insurance group will partner with Hong Kong-based smart home security startup, Kangaroo, for this specific upgrade.

Water damage is the second most common loss event, excluding natural catastrophe, for homeowners. On average, a water damage claim may cost up to $5,000. Homeowners can also be displaced or inconvenienced for days or weeks if the repairs are extensive. QBE customers will get Kangaroo’s simple and secure Water + Climate Sensor, which costs HK$250, included for free when they purchase home insurance online from QBE Hong Kong.

The goal of the upgrade to QBE’s home insurance products is to help customers catch avoidable accidents, saving everyone money, time and inconvenience. 

Dhruv Garg, co-founder of Kangaroo, said they did not expect how customers adapted to the use of their products to keep family members and precious items safe.

“I’m always fascinated by how people embrace and adapt technology to their needs, particularly in the home security category. With our Water + Climate Sensor, we knew people valued how the device could quickly notify them on their phone if they had a leak from a burst pipe. From checking humidity where handbags or wine bottles are stored, to knowing the temperature in a baby’s room without waking them. Especially in Hong Kong, where there is so much seasonal fluctuation,” Garg said.

QBE Hong Kong’s home plus protection package provides comprehensive coverage for home contents, pets and temporary accommodation due to unforeseen circumstances. Using QBE’s one-stop digital claims platform, customers are automatically connected and matched to a network of adjusters and panel home contractors based on the nature of their home damage.

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