, Singapore

Singapore expands MediShield Life into three new areas

Eligible patients who feed intravenously can claim up to $1240 (S$1,700) monthly.

Singapore's Ministry of Health (MOH) has extended coverage of MediShield Life into three new areas in a bid to strengthen the protection of Singaporeans against hefty medical bills, according to a government statement.

Patients who are directly admitted from the emergency departments of public hospitals to community hospitals (ED-CH) such as those suffering urinary tract infection and non-surgical wound care can claim up to $255 (S$350) per day from the expanded health insurance plan.

Previously, MediShield Life covered community hospital stays only for patients transferred from an acute hospital after an acute inpatient stay.

Patients on long-term parenteral nutrition (PN) will also benefit from the expanded coverage. Those who have been feeding intravenously for 90 days or longer can claim up to $1240 (S$1,700) per month from MediShield Life and withdraw up to $145 (S$200) per month from MediSave, for PN bags and consumables necessary for the administration of PN. Those with intestinal failure will be the main beneficiaries of this latest addition.

MediShield Life has also been extended to cover surgical interventions for two rare congenital conditions - Trisomy 18 and alobar holoprosencephaly from 1 November 2018, up to the prevailing surgical claim limits.

Surgical interventions for these conditions were previously excluded from MediShield Life coverage as treatment was not effective. However, studies have shown that such interventions can improve quality of life and likelihood of patient survival.

“MOH will continue to review MediShield Life regularly to ensure that it provides protection for Singaporeans against large hospitalisation bills and selected costly outpatient treatments, in keeping with developments in medical care,” the health department added.

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