, Singapore

MSIG appoints William Song as chief risk officer and Rebecca Ang Lee as chief marketing officer

The key appointments are in a bid to help drive the group’s medium-term management plan “Vision 2021.”

MISG Holdings Asia has announced the promotion of two senior vice presidents, William Song and Rebecca Ang Lee, to chief risk officer (CRO) and chief marketing officer (CMO), respectively.

Based in Singapore, William Song started at the company as vice president from 2010, leading the actuarial department for over five years, and rose to senior vice president, managing enterprise risk management (ERM) for the region for the last three years. He is now CRO of MSIG Holdings Asia responsible for risk management across the region including ASEAN, Hong Kong, Australia, and New Zealand.

Song has undertaken the CRO portfolio from Paul Faulkner, executive director, Risk Management and Technical Services, and will continue to report to him.

MSIG has also promoted senior vice president Rebecca Ang Lee, who oversees brand & communications and business excellence across ASEAN, Hong Kong, Australia, and New Zealand, to the newly created role of chief marketing officer.

Lee, who will also be based in Singapore, has over 20 years of industry experience in marketing communications, and will continue to lead the brand & communications and business excellence activities in ASEAN, Hong Kong, Australia, and New Zealand reporting to Iris Yuet, executive officer, Corporate Services. In her new role, Lee will help to drive the group’s key priorities on branding and sustainability as part of her expanded portfolio. She sits on the committee of the brand & communications working group, led by MSIG’s Tokyo-based head office Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance, to provide strategic direction on the group’s international branding initiatives, and will also be the lead of the newly set up Sustainability Taskforce within the region. 

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