, Singapore

The world's fintech superstars are gathering in Singapore

The third edition of the Singapore FinTech Festival will be held on November 12 to 16.

After two successful back-to-back editions, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is hosting the third run of the Singapore FinTech Festival from November 12 to 16 with the aim of providing a platform for connection, collaboration and co-creation of the most innovative technological breakthroughs reshaping the delivery of financial services in Singapore and beyond.

This year’s Festival will see the addition of ASEAN FinTech showcase which will highlight innovative digital solutions from ASEAN countries. The first ever Artificial Intelligence in Finance Summit will be held to explore emerging AI solutions in trading, investment management, customer service, and risk management.

The FinTech Investor Summit has also been enhanced to include a FinTech Deal Day which will make available customised research reports on participating fintech companies along with a matchmaking session for startups and potential investors called MATCH (Meet ASEAN’s Talents and Champions).

The Global FinTech Hackcelerator is inviting up to 20 mid to mature startups specialising in financial inclusion, insurtech, regtech, and general. The award categories of the FinTech Awards have also been revised to allow for greater level of participation from ASEAN countries along with other exciting segments during the three-day programme.

“The Singapore FinTech Festival has grown in scale and scope over the past two editions, and has contributed to the growth of the FinTech ecosystem in Singapore and the region. We look forward to welcoming FinTech players and stakeholders from all over the world to Singapore, and to work with them to create new value and promote financial inclusion through innovation, digitalisation, and connectivity,” said Sopnendu Mohanty, Chief FinTech Officer, MAS.

The Singapore FinTech Festival is organised by MAS in partnership with The Association of Banks in Singapore and in collaboration with SingEx Holdings. Last year, the Festival gathered more than 30,000 participants from over 100 countries composed of leading FinTech players, technopreneurs, policy makers, financial industry leaders, investors including private equity players, and venture capitalists, and academics.

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