, Singapore

Here are the winners of the Insurance Asia Awards 2017

Over 180 trophies were awarded to winning banks and insurance companies.

Almost 100 outstanding banks and insurance companies from 30 countries were recognised at the 2017 Retail Banking Awards, Wholesale Banking Awards, and Insurance Asia Awards held at the Shangri-La Singapore on 13 July. The event drew over 260 banking and insurance executives, beating last year’s record.

This year’s nominations were judged by representatives from the Big Four accounting firms: Mohit Mehrotra, regional head of financial services, strategy & operation at Deloitte; Richard Holloway, managing director Southeast Asia& India, life, Milliman; Sumit Narayanan, Asean insurance leader, Ernst & Young; and Lau Kam Yuen, head of insurance, KPMG Singapore.

“This night proves that there is still a lot of life in the banking, financial services, and insurance industry. We have very good winners who are deserving of their awards tonight. We’d also like to thank all our judges for the Insurance Asia Awards,” said Tim Charlton, publisher of the Asian Banking and Finance and Insurance Asia magazines.

Below is a list of all the winning companies:


Aetna International
Derek Goldberg, CEO of the Year
International General Insurer of the Year - Singapore

AIA Singapore
Domestic Life Insurer of the Year - Singapore
New Insurance Product of the Year - Singapore

AIA Company Limited
International Life Insurer of the Year - Thailand

AXA Affin General Insurance Berhad
International General Insurer of the Year - Malaysia
New Insurance Product of the Year - Malaysia

AXA AFFIN Life Insurance Berhad
Marketing Initiative of the Year - Malaysia

AYA Myanmar Insurance Company Limited
Digital Insurance Initiative of the Year - Myanmar

Bajaj Allianz General Insurance
Domestic General Insurer of the Year - India
Claims Initiative of the Year - India
New Insurance Product of the Year - India

Cathay Life Insurance
Domestic Life Insurer of the Year - Taiwan
New Insurance Product of the Year - Taiwan
Claims Initiative of the Year - Taiwan

Expat Insurance
Domestic Broker of the Year - Singapore

FWD Insurance
Direct Insurer of the Year - Singapore
Insurance Start-up of the Year - Singapore

FWD Life Insurance Corporation
New Insurance Product of the Year - Philippines
Marketing Initiative of the Year - Philippines

Guardian Life Insurance Ltd.
New Insurance Product of the Year - Bangladesh

Hong Leong Assurance Berhad
Domestic Life Insurer of the Year - Malaysia

IKBZ Insurance
Domestic General Insurer of the Year - Myanmar
Domestic Life Insurer of the Year - Myanmar

Infinity General Insurance Plc.
CSR Initiative of the Year - Cambodia
Domestic General Insurer of the Year - Cambodia

The Insular Life Assurance Company, Ltd.
Domestic Life Insurer of the Year - Philippines
Digital Insurance Initiative of the Year - Philippines

Krungthai-AXA Life Insurance Public Company Limited
Digital Insurance Initiative of the Year - Thailand
CSR Initiative of the Year - Thailand

Max Life Insurance
Digital Insurance Initiative of the Year - India

NTUC Income Insurance Co-operative Ltd
CSR Initiative of the Year - Singapore
Digital Insurance Initiative of the Year - Singapore
Marketing Initiative of the Year - Singapore

Peak Reinsurance Company Limited
Asian Reinsurer of the Year

PT AXA Life Indonesia
New Insurance Product of the Year - Indonesia
Digital Insurance Initiative of the Year - Indonesia

Qatar General Insurance & Reinsurance Co. PJSC
Domestic Life Insurer of the Year - Qatar

Sun Life of Canada (Philippines), Inc.
CSR Initiative of the Year - Philippines

Taiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
CSR Initiative of the Year - Taiwan

Transamerica Life (Bermuda) Ltd.
International Life Insurer of the Year - Hong Kong

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