Chart of the Week: What annoys APAC bank users the most?
Frozen credit cards no longer spark as much annoyance.
Long queues and having to repeat themselves across multiple touchpoints are the top reasons for the annoyance of bank users across Asia Pacific, according to a report by global IT firm Unisys.
“Previously, many bank customers across Asia Pacific were annoyed by long queues in branches and inconvenience when credit cards have been frozen due to suspected fraudulent activity,” the report noted.
In Hong Kong (41%) and the Philippines (49%), long queues in branches remain the top annoyance of customers.
Also read: 3 in 5 Hong Kongers prioritise data security over fast banking
“Whilst both countries offer a lot of bank branches for customers to use, the frustration might be driven by the increased use of digital products and services within the physical branch involving greater automation and less human contact,” according to the report.
Meanwhile, customers in Australia and New Zealand are less annoyed by long queues in branches which is likely to be directly linked to ongoing growth in mobile and online banking requiring less visits to the branch.
In Taiwan (30%), New Zealand (32%), and Australia (29%), having to repeat themselves multiple times across different touch points is what annoys bank customers the most. The report noted that this is thee greatest annoyance for all age groups, except those aged 50 and above.